Yes, I said out loud. I have no idea what anybodies reaction is, because in this scenario, I am beyond the ability to open my eyes because even the light through a keyhole in a dark room will surely pierce right through my eyes and strike my brain, like lightning. So, I don't look and I don't need to know that they are moving away from the crazy woman, and I believe the nurses might even thank me for scaring a few into thinking they aren't going to stick around to catch the headache or religion.
Anyway, the nearest hospital to where we will be staying is 4 hours away and I think I would throw myself under the car if I have to travel that far in migraine condition. So, I am praying I don't have to use this pressurized injectionable needleless-air-thingy or bride someone else to do it to me, but don't doubt I will if I have to, and the rest of Uganda will thank me, because lets be honest, a crazy white woman running around holding her head praying in a language they don't understand could just maybe bring on a slightly precarious reaction from the locals. You might want to keep CNN on your remote while I'm gone, just in case.
Filled out my Visa application and Uganda will be so happy to welcome me into their country for a hundred bucks. Kinkos was very happy to accept my $15.00 for two tiny terrible photos as a send off. I have to also show proof of an immunization for Yellow Fever. None of the other 4 I needed (according to the travel nurse), like Typhoid and Hepatitis need to proven, cause I guess they aren't worried about me bringing those babies home as a souvenir, but yellow fever, they need proof. That one, they want to keep in Uganda, no sharing that with US family and friends, I guess. Well, maybe for another $100.00 bucks.
We are flying Emirates Airlines 15 hours to Dubai, 12 hour layover and then another 8 hours to Entebbe, Uganda. The terminal in Dubai has a hotel right at the airport I guess where they will give us rooms, free of charge for the layover so we won't be just roaming around. I guess even Dubai has heard about my migraines, so who could blame them. But I am thinking after 16 hours in an airplane seat, I am gonna look for a tread mill for those 12 hours. Can you take Tylenol PM again after the first 8hours of knock out sleep, for the second 1/2 of the flight?? And I think we loose a day with the date line or something, so really, I will need both nights sleep because of the lost night with the time change right? Ya, and they are gonna take me international...I know.
My goodness, the food on the flight...and 16 hours, how many times will they wake me from my Tylenol coma and bring me food, but I can choose, a Hindu meal, Muslim meal, bland meal, standard meal, vegetarian meal, lactose free meal, medium meal, I'm still looking for the varietal chocolate meal, before I settle for something else. Perhaps I will order piece-meal AKA sampler plate? Or for heaven's sake if we have the Hindu-Muslim-vegetarian, couldn't that really be called "World Peace meal"? In which case, I will definitely partake but probably not remember because of the overdose of PM. I'll have someone take pictures.
Here is the most recent...I know, she's beautiful!
Each time we send a little extra, we get a picture and description with a thank you note, of what she bought with the money. She even choose that goat I guess. Anyway, I wish I could tell just how tall or what size she it, because I would love to bring her something to wear. She looks tall to me, but I don't know if I should take a chance or not. I am going to bring her tons of beads
Oh my word, the pictures and video of our meeting. I am praying my driver speaks English and will learn to use my camera so we have it recorded for the rest of my family. Oh and that he isn't completely ready to run for the Ugandan hills after being in a car with me for 9 hours. Perhaps Compassion offers their own version of Tylenol PM and peace meals.
24 days and counting...