Its our final day in Uganda and we headed out with one single purpose, to find a 9 year old boy named Daniel. One of our team members, Nicole, is his sponsor and she was so praying that she would get to meet him. The ministry headquarters is very near us, but could not provide help in finding him, so all she had was a prayer and in faith bought rice and beans and we all pulled together a backpack with a toy, stickers, dresses and shirts for the family. We gathered around the van this morning asking God to guide us to him. Like a needle in a haystack, really. She had his sponsor card showing his neighborhood name, but seriously there is no rhyme or reason to these American urbanites, so we depended on Annette who had offered to escort us and help in our journey, as Chris our van driver took us to the general area. We were told "good luck finding him". Luck? We don't need luck, we asked God to show us and we were not to be discouraged. At one point we stopped to show the picture she had of the boy to a teenager standing on the side of the road. "Do you know him?" "YES!" "Do you know where he lives?" "Yes!" WHAT???? Will you show us "Yes!" He was so excited to help, he jumped in our van and showed us the way. We drove as far as we could and walked the rest of the way to a brick and mud home tucked a bit away.
We got there and she asked for Daniel. He came out, but was thoroughly confused by 8 white people showing up at his remote home. Through Annette, he was told that she was his sponsor for school. He was hesitant and unsure until she showed him the card with his picture. Finally he understood and it was a party from there on.
His mother was retrieved from her work in the "garden" and we were all invited into her home. 7 of her 9 children were there along with all of us and each child was so excited to receive something from the backpack.
The girls got pillow case dresses, the boys received shirts.
The notes were read to them and each pocket held a piece of candy. There was such joy, such celebration and to think that more than anything she could give, to come so far to find him and bless him in the name of Jesus, was AMAZING! As only God can do, we were so so thankful that the Lord led us right to him. Do you know how many children were in that small area alone? Did you see the pictures from VBS? Did you read that nearly 800 children gathered near in that one small village? It was a miracle, that God would show us such favor is just humbling and so so wonderful. Nicole will never forget this day, Daniel will never forget this visit and we will never be able to forget how much the creator loves us!
We left the area, drove back to Jinja and made a purchase for the village of Kakira. Then sat a while, shopped a small bit, enjoyed a Coke Zero and a chocolate bar and then decided to end the day with a hoot and a hollar! Sending Chris, our driver, back to the hotel with our purses and supplies, we hopped on the back of a Boda Boda, 2 of us on each one, scrambled for the $1.00 each that it cost and rode off into the sunset! What a thrill!
FYI...every time we do something a little risky, they blame me. Don't you believe it for a minute...those girls were all about the Boda Boda! Crocodiles and the camping in the wild? Maybe not so much!
Uganda, we leave you at 9am tomorrow morning, just 16 hours from now. You have been gracious to us, your people so welcoming and appreciative. We pray the God who sees us all and brought us to serve with you here will keep you until we meet again. If it is in eternity, we'll be the ones standing in on your worship singing "Higher Higher Higher"
Revelation 7: "After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe
and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the
Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their
hands.And they were shouting with a great roar,
“Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne
and from the Lamb!”
all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders
and the four living beings. And they fell before the throne with their
faces to the ground and worshiped God. They sang!
“Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom
and thanksgiving and honor
and power and strength belong to our God"
forever and ever! Amen.”